Fill Your Calendar With Qualified Referral Partners and High-Quality Mortgage Application Appointments ...

Without Making a Single Cold Call or Chasing Leads!

Discover How To Automate The Most Profitable Activities in Your Mortgage Business

So You Immediately Make More Profit with Less Effort.

Fill Your Calendar With Qualified Referral Partners and High-Quality Mortgage Application Appointments ... Without Making a Single Cold Call or Chasing Leads.

Discover How To Automate The Most Profitable Activities in Your Mortgage Business So You Immediately Make More Profit with Less Effort.

From the desk of Chris Johnstone

Dear Branch Managers, Top Producers, and Mortgage Professionals.

In just a few minutes you are going to hold the information necessary to fill your calendar with qualified real estate referral partners that want to send you business.

You are also going to have the power to fill your pipeline with new high-quality purchase applications that you can use to attract even more top-producing referral partners.

Today is your chance to completely change your career, double your production and your personal income while at the same time working less and enjoying your business more!

From the desk of Chris Johnstone

Dear Branch Managers, Top Producers, and Mortgage Professionals.

In just a few minutes you are going to hold the information necessary to fill your calendar with qualified real estate referral partners that want to send you business.

You are also going to have the power to fill your pipeline with new high-quality purchase applications that you can use to attract even more top-producing referral partners.

Today is your chance to completely change your career, double your production and your personal income while at the same time working less and enjoying your business more!

The Simple Strategies For

Instant Profit and Long Term Growth

After working with thousands of successful mortgage professionals and companies we have discovered that there are really only 8 daily activities that generate business for a mortgage professional.

As you see them below you will probably recognize them. They are not new or "shiny" they are simple strategies that when implemented ALWAYS generate results.

The massive problem for your mortgage business (and personal income) is that even though You Know What They Are ... you are too busy to actually be DOING THE WORK CONSISTENTLY.

Consider these incredibly important and profitable questions ...

  • Have you called your past customer database and followed up with an automated CRM campaign in the last 3 months?

  • Do you have a SYSTEM that fills your calendar with appointments with qualified referral partner appointments every week?

  • Do you have weekly calls and an automated CRM campaign to keep in touch with all your referral partners that have sent you business in the past?

  • Do you reach out to your Realtors that you are doing business with right now each week to provide excellent service... but more importantly generate more referrals for you?

  • Are you calling the Realtors on the other side of your transaction with an offer so you get even more referral partners from every deal you do?

  • Does every deal you close result in a referral to a financial planner and an insurance advisor?

  • Do you have an automatic system asking for 5-star Google reviews every time you close a deal?

  • Are you calling and using an automated CRM process to call your pre-approvals every week to provide excellent service ... but also using a proven script to generate even more referrals?

How did you and your business do?

Are you making the most amount of profit that you could be from the opportunities that you have sitting in your business right now or are you leaving money on the table?

With some simple changes that you can start today, you can immediately start making more money and grow your business exponentially as the systems that you set up grow your business every month.

Here's the amazing part of what you are about to move forward with learning today ... I am going to show you how to implement all of those systems without YOU having to make a single cold call, chase a single lead or ever feel like you are "begging for business."

We have discovered a way to put ALL of these proven systems in place in your business so you consistently get results, grow your business, and make more profit without you having to do the work.

You are about to learn:

  • How to fill your calendar full each week with qualified realtors that want to work with you without making a single cold call.

  • A proven presentation that gets your referral partners sending you their leads for free. Without you having to chase down prospects, attend networking meetings, or feel like you are begging for the business!

  • How to ensure that you are focusing your time on the right referral partners so you don't waste your time and every "yes" generates exponential deal flow for you.

  • How to generate more referrals from your existing referrals partners and immediately gets deals flowing from Realtors you have worked with in the last 2 years.

  • How a simple "productization" of an automated campaign can attract up to 25% of the real estate professionals on the other side of your deals to send you referrals!

  • A simple, easy and fun process that brings in application appointments from financial planners and insurance advisors with every deal that you do!

  • How to consistently generate high-quality referrals every month from your database without making a single cold call.

  • How to close more of your pre-approvals and generate more referrals from every pre-approval that you do!

  • The automated process that turns your and your real estate partners' old leads into new pre-vetted purchase application appointments.

  • How we are generating the highest quality online mortgage leads that are exclusive to you, have no middle man, and are CLOSING between 10% to 30%!

  • How to immediately increase the number of 5-star reviews you are getting on Google each month automatically so you get calls from high-quality local mortgage leads.

In less time than it takes to watch the latest Netflix show you are going to have the knowledge and opportunity you need to turn all of the most profitable areas into more applications and deals without YOU having to make any of the calls or learning any complicated software!

On top of all that, you are going to discover a proven and reliable system that turns more of all of your new leads and applications into funded deals quickly and easily!

All of this is going to happen, your business is going to grow, you are going to make more profit all while you work LESS.

Let's go.

Working Smart, Not Hard.

Working Smart, Not Hard.

For a second I want you to think about the last time you ordered a package from Amazon. Did Jeff Bezos roll up in the truck and deliver your package? Of course not! He has SYSTEMS and PEOPLE for that.

When Elon Musk delivers a Tesla car to a new customer or launches a new rocket into space is he the guy on the assembly line building the product?

No. He has SYSTEMS and PEOPLE for that.

It's the same thing with your Dentist, Doctor, Lawyer ...the list goes on.

When you go into any of those businesses there are systems and people there to guide you through a pre-designed experience that delivers results for you but The Executive that is responsible for running the business is involved in the process very little.

Then, here we are in the mortgage industry. Oftentimes stressed out, working long hours, evenings, and weekends to pull off a hectic one-person-band act. Many professionals in our industry talk about 14 hour days like it's a badge of honor!

Nonsense! You should be making so much profit from your mortgage business that your time is focused on family, toys, vacations, golf or whatever interests you! Not chasing fires and being tied to your phone like a criminal with a tracking device.

Here's the crazy part. With you stuck IN your business every day keeping your pipeline of new business full is often the last item on a long list of to-do's that never get done.

This leads to the Loan Officer Roller Coaster.

When you notice that your pipeline is starting to dry up you go back to the basics that we discussed above (Working your Database, Referral Partners Etc.) and you do the work that needs to be done to bring in deals.

These STRATEGIES WORK and deals come in. Then you hop back into "customer service and processing mode" where you are too busy to do the work that would continue generating deals for you.

You close some loans, the pipeline starts to dry up and the cycle repeats...

No More Inconsistent Growth and Wasted Opportunity.

It's time for you to get PEOPLE and SYSTEMS in place to DO THE ACTIVITIES THAT BRING IN THE BUSINESS on Autopilot. This way you free up an incredible amount of your time, so you can focus on getting your deal processing systems in place.

Once your People and Systems are done, you have transitioned to The Executive who truly has a business that can grow, scale, and firehose profit into your bank account without YOU having to do all the work!

Yes, finally. Reliable, consistent deal flow and a mortgage business that continues to grow every month regardless of market conditions while you work less!

It's time for you to start to look at your business like you are The EXECUTIVE that is responsible for growth, not the employee that does the $15 per hour work!

Just like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, you are going to elevate yourself above the day-to-day working IN your business and we are going to work together to put PEOPLE and SYSTEMS in place so that your business grows whether you are there doing the work or not!

We are going to Change Your Business and Your Life by Setting Up and Building Your Mortgage Businesses Executive Roadmap

This system is going to help you build the most effective and profitable activities that bring in your business and put them on autopilot so they run in your business forever!

Together we are going to automate the most profitable weekly activities in your business using technology and hire you a specialized expert that uses our proven system to get you results.

Let's get you off the roller coaster, get your calendar booked full with new deals and referral partner appointments, and start generating More Profit with Less Effort!

How are you going to do this? We are going to work together and walk you through installing each of our proven growth system in your business using

The Executive Roadmap.



We walk you through installing all of our proven CRM systems in your business and then hire and train The Executive Concierge that we are going to train to run your systems for you.


Your Executive Concierge uses our proven systems to fill your calendar with weekly appointments with qualified referral partners that want to work with you!


Your executive concierge starts generating immediate and ongoing referrals from your past customer database. This also increases the referrals and profit from every deal you do.


This is where you gain exponential referrals from every new deal you have flowing into your pipeline. Your executive concierge uses our Milestone Status Update product to generate new referrals and new partners from weekly update calls.


This is where you learn to install the most profitable marketing systems that exist in the mortgage industry. New consumer direct leads from social media, 5-star reviews on Google and product specific lead generation funnels.


Installing these systems even with this proven roadmap can be incredibly overwhelming, complex, frustrating, and expensive if you try to do it on your own.

This is why we have created THE EXECUTIVE for you.

We have broken down your success into an exclusive and powerful 3-part group coaching program that gives you our proven systems, the support, daily training, and the community you need to ensure that you are successful.

We are going to walk you through the process of Attracting, Vetting, Negotiating, and Hiring your own Executive Concierge! (or training yourself or an existing staff member.)

Then, you get access to all of our proven systems, software, and daily calls where we train and support your concierge agent and help you build and manage all of the marketing processes that are included in The Executive Roadmap!

We are going to work together and build all of the systems and train the staff that are going to do all of the work necessary to fill your business with new deals and referral appointments.

With the right action right now you are just days away from a complete transformation where you are finally getting the results from reliably and consistently doing the activities that we ALREADY KNOW WILL WORK!

  • Calling your past customer database and sending monthly marketing that gets results.

  • Getting weekly appointments with qualified real estate referral partners.

  • Get more referrals from your existing realtor referral partners and converting new partners from all your existing deals.

  • Doing the operational activities that close more of your pre-approvals into deals, generate more referrals from your pre-approvals, create consistent 5-star reviews on Google and driving the highest quality online leads into your business.

  • Get better mortgage application appointments because all of your leads are vetted by your concierge!

You are going to get all of this without you having to make a single cold call chase a lead or feel like you are responsible for another massive project! Together with us and your Executive Concierge, we are going to build a system that frees you while your business continues to grow!


Success Component #1

The Inner Circle

You get to immediately step into the proven scripts, systems, daily activities, software, and support that we use every day to run our call center.

Membership in our exclusive Inner Circle also gets you access to ALL of our proven marketing campaigns, templates, CRM follow-up systems, templates, and daily training so you get exactly what you need to be successful.

Whatever you need simply show up on one of our 2 daily group coaching calls and ask. We work directly with you to make you successful!

Success Component #1

The Inner Circle

You get to immediately step into the proven scripts, systems, daily activities, software and support that we use every day to run our call center and digital marketing business in the mortgage industry. Membership in our exclusive Inner Circle gets you access to ALL of our proven systems, templates, team trainings and access to everything you need to be successful.

Whatever you need simply show up on one of our 2 daily group coaching calls and ask for what you need. We work with directly with you to make you successful!

Included in The Inner Circle is:

  • At least 1 pre-vetted Executive Concierge candidate from OUR hiring systems for you to interview for your business.

  • Our exclusive Executive Concierge hiring system and process.

(More on this in Success Step #2)

  • Daily training for your Executive Concierge so you get results without having to manage your staff each day.

(More on this in Success Step #3)

  • Daily marketing coaching and support calls to help you implement all of your marketing campaigns.

  • Daily social media content created on the marketing call for you to post.

  • Help building and launching our proven Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads and Video Marketing campaigns.

  • Weekly Inner Circle mastermind call with Chris Johnstone

  • The Executive Roadmap Implementation program that walks you through a proven roadmap for launching each of the most profitable marketing systems in your business

  • Full access to your own Connect My Leads software account that comes pre-loaded with all of our proven follow up campaigns, landing pages, templates, power dialer and call scripts.

  • The Complete Connect My Leads success system and training library so your Executive Concierge learns the software without you having to train them.

  • Access to The Executive Network group and the knowledge and masterminding with the incredible top performing mortgage professionals within The Executive.

Success Component #2

The Executive Concierge Training

We give you everything you need to attract, hire, train, motivate and scale with your own Executive Concierge in your business! You get instant access to the systems that we have perfected over the years running our own call center.

Then, you get access to a daily call where our chief of operations for our call center trains, motivates, answers questions, and gets your Executive Concierge generating results for you!

  • Our proven superstar attraction job posting.

  • The Time Saver application questions to email candidates before you waste time interviewing unqualified candidates.

  • The Perfect Interview Process so you can quickly determine which candidate is going to be the right fit for your business.

  • The Ultimate Motivator compensation plan so your new executive concierge is aligned with your business goals and heavily motivated to generate quality appointments and results.

  • Our High-Performance Hiring Contracts so everyone has a clear job description, roles and responsibilities so there are exact daily, weekly and monthly performance metrics in place for your new hire.

  • The Lead Qualification Process to ensure that you only get high quality appointments booked in your calendar.

  • The Daily ROCKS plan so you Executive Concierge is pinpoint focused on the main activities that generate quality appointments and new deals for you every day.

  • Our daily, weekly, and monthly Performance Scorecard so you can track your results and make sure that your Executive Concierge is getting the right results.

  • Full training on the Connect My Leads CRM.

  • We help you track your results with the Performance Scorecard and if you have an underperforming hire we will help remove them from their role and get you moving to hire a replacement that does generate results fast.

Success Component #2

The Executive Concierge

Hiring and Training System

We give you everything you need to attract, hire, train, motivate and scale with your own Executive Concierge in your business!

You get instant access to the systems, scripts, documents, contracts, CRM campaigns, tracking systems, and automations that we have perfected over the years while running our own call center.

Then, you get access to a daily training call for your concierge with our chief of operations.

You get the asset of the call center agent. We train, motivate, empower, answer questions, and get your Executive Concierge generating results for you!

Included in the system is:

  • Our proven superstar attraction job posting.

  • The Time Saver Application Questions to email candidates before you waste time interviewing unqualified candidates.

  • The Perfect Interview Process so you can quickly determine which candidate is going to be the right fit for your business.

  • The Ultimate Motivator Compensation Plan so your new executive concierge is aligned with your business goals and heavily motivated to generate quality appointments and results.

  • Our High-Performance Hiring Contracts so everyone has a clear job description, roles, and responsibilities so there are exact daily, weekly and monthly performance metrics in place for your new hire.

  • The Lead Qualification Process to ensure that your executive concierge is only letting high-quality appointments booked in your calendar.

  • The Daily ROCKS Plan so you Executive Concierge is pinpoint focused on the main activities that generate quality appointments and new deals for you every day.

  • Our daily, weekly, and monthly Performance Scorecards so you can track your results and make sure that your Executive Concierge is getting the right results.

  • Full training on the Connect My Leads CRM.

  • If you have an underperforming hire we will help you fire them fast and get you moving to hire a replacement.

Success Component #3

The Executive Marketing Meeting

Instantly tap into the marketing campaigns that create the highest quality, exclusive leads available without having to pay massive setup fees or ongoing management to a marketing agency or lead generation company!

You get full access to EVERY single successful marketing campaign that our agency uses to create success for our clients. Simply pick the one that fits best for your business and show up on the group training call and ask for help building the campaign.

Our team will work with you to get your campaign launched inside your accounts. Then, simply show up on the calls and get help optimizing your campaigns over time so you continue to drop your cost per lead while you increase the quality!

Success Component #3

The Executive

Marketing Meeting

Instantly tap into the marketing campaigns that create the highest quality, exclusive leads available without having to pay massive setup fees or ongoing management to a marketing agency or lead generation company!

You get full access to EVERY single successful marketing campaign that our agency uses to create success for our clients.

Simply pick the campaign that fits your goals from our Business Marketing System Training and show up on the group training call.

Our team will work with you to get your campaign launched inside your accounts. Then, simply show up on the calls over time and ask for help optimizing your campaigns so you continue to drop your cost per lead while you increase the quality!

Included in the system is:

  • Daily group Marketing Training call with one of our account managers.

(Yes this is separate from the Executive Concierge training call.)

  • A new social media post is created on the call every day and sent to you so you can post it.

  • Full access to our complete library of proven digital marketing funnels that we have invested millions of dollars in over the years.

  • You get access to complete marketing campaign builds for Google Search, Display, and Local Ads.

  • You also get access to support marketing campaign builds for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin.

  • Get help properly setting up your Google Business profile.

  • You get help implementing our retargeting blueprint for both your past clients and new referral partners.

  • The daily marketing call is designed so you can build your own custom funnel, get direct cost on your leads (no middle man lead company or agency) and generate your own exclusive leads!

  • All of our proven lead generation websites and landing page templates are included inside your Connect My Leads account so you can quickly and easily customize them and get your campaigns launched.

  • You also get the full follow-up campaign templates inside Connect My Leads that you can quickly customize on the call with our account manager to turn your leads into appointments automatically!

  • You get help creating custom lead generation websites based on your ideas or specific product needs.

  • You get help creating the custom follow-up campaigns for your funnels that turn your leads into inbound inquiries that your Executive Concierge then qualifies and turns into application appointments in your calendar.

  • Help with integration with other CRM's and Zapier so all of your business systems are streamlined and efficient

  • Help creating the campaigns that generate 5-star reviews from your past clients, your referral partners, and from every new deal that you close in your business.

  • Video marketing brainstorming and help to broadcast live on all the most important social media platforms.

  • You are getting full access to the entire knowledge, experience and support of a leading digital marketing agency with NONE of the high ticket costs.

  • You finally get to launch the marketing funnels for the specific niche leads that you want to generate in your business. Exclusive leads, with no middle man, that you control.

  • You can create work with us to generate consumer direct campaigns that generate leads for Purchase, Refinance, First Time Buyers, Reverse, VA, Commercial, Homes for heroes, Company-specific offers, Area-specific offers and more!

Features and Benefits



Limited Time Offer - 30 Days Free!

$5,000 One Time Setup

$1,000 / month

When You Implement

The Database Activator and The Qualified Realtor, We Guarantee That You Will Close At Least 2 Deals

If You Don't, We Will Pay You $1500!

When You Implement

The Database Activator and The Qualified Realtor, We Guarantee That You Will Close At Least 2 Deals

If You Don't,

We Will Pay You $750!


The program sounds great, but can’t I just do this on my own?

Yes, you can. But just like myself, it will likely take you at least two years to get to the point that you can get to today.

There are only two ways to solve the problem; time or money.

Will my pricing go up in the future?

No. The price that you sign up with is the price that you get on the program for life. We will never increase your pricing.

How many months am I committing to with the program?

The Executive program is on a monthly basis. You can cancel at any time after the first month.

I can’t afford to hire a Concierge right now.

The actual answer is you can’t afford not to hire a Concierge right now if you go through the math in your business. You could even hire somebody part-time and they can work just an hour a day.

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Social Media Management

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